The 9th edition of the e-Yantra Innovation Challenge (VIC 2022-23), e-Yantra, in partnership with:
- Deutsche Bank,
- Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE, IIT-Bombay),
- Desai Sethi School of Entrepreneurship (DSSE, IIT-Bombay)
- IIT Tirupati Navavishkar,
- Inclusive Divyangjan Entrepreneur Association (IDEA),
- Design Bridge Foundation,
- CAG CEPT University, &
- Geospatial Information Science and Engineering Hub, (GISE, IIT Bombay).
e-Yantra is an initiative hosted at IIT Bombay in CSE Dept. and funded by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, to train young people in contemporary engineering skills through Project Based Learning (PBL). The outcomes are excellent placements in both industry and quality postgraduate programs and inculcating a Startup orientation in candidates.
Objectives of eYIC:
- Train students in Innovation & Entrepreneurship,
- Nurture young minds to articulate and solve real problems in society,
- Immerse participants in problem domains and trains them to articulate learn to solve and use as the basis for startup problems that they learn to solve and use as the basis for startups.
- Provide a platform to showcase solutions to potential incubators and build your dream setup. Register here
The winners of this competition will be awarded exciting cash prizes, seed funding, and a coveted opportunity to build their dream startup.