Gagren Shopian,
Jammu and Kashmir

Admission Section

The admission section of the college caters to varied needs of the students, ranging from online admission forms, collection of college fee through Internet Payment Gateway (IPG), distribution of certificates, preparation of timetable, to name a few. The section in colloberation with the Website Committee of the College uses latest IT tools and software for the convenience of the students. The section has minimized the personal interface of the students with the section and is presently working to fully automate the processes for the larger interest of student community.

Course Combination

NEP Batch 2022-2023 onwards

  1. BG. V-VI semester (NEP Batch 2022)
  2. BG. III-IV semester (NEP Batch 2023)
  3. BG. 1st Semester (NEP Batch, 2024)

Application form will be posted soon


Admission Convenor
Dr Aneyes Ul Islam